Western Literature
- Nereid Thetis ( /ˈθɛtɪs/ ) + Peleus ( /ˈpiːliəs/ ) = Achilles
- Achilles’ heel : a small problem or weakness in a person or system that can result in failure. A deadly weakness.
Story: When Achilles was born; in order to make him immortal and invulnerable, Peleus sank her son Achilles in the river Styx.
- The three most important characteristics in the movie: Athena、Venus、Hera
- Venus (also Aphrodite’s /æfrəˈdaɪti/): The Greek goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, and procreation. Her Roman equivalent is the goddess Venus. She is identified with the planet Venus.
god |
symbol |
Ceres(Demeter) |
Agriculture、harvest |
Hades |
The dark world |
- Cere fruit 囍瑞果汁
Q: How many pomegranate seeds did Persephone (daughter of Ceres) eat?
A: six.
- 水金地火木土天海冥Twelve gods
Planets in astrology have a meaning different from the modern astronomical understanding of what a planet is. Before the age of telescopes, the night sky was thought to consist of two very similar components: fixed stars, which remained motionless in relation to each other, and "wandering stars" (Ancient Greek: ἀστέρες πλανῆται asteres planetai), which moved relative to the fixed stars over the course of the year.
- Adjective+ gods’ names
Eg: Homeric Apollo
Swift footed Achilles
- Styx /stɪks/ 冥河
- Heifer 母牛 Bull 公牛 Cup 眾動物的幼犬
- Metamorphose /ˌmet.əˈmɔː.fəʊz/ : to change into a completely different form or type.脫胎換骨
- Refugee /ˌref.jʊˈdʒi / : a person who has escaped from their own country for political, religious, or economicreasons or because of a war.難民
- pomegranate /ˈpɒm.ɪˌɡræn.ɪt/ : 石榴
- pomelo: 柚子
- destiny v.s fate v.s destination
Destiny: something you can control
Destination: the final place 絕命終結站
Fate: something beyond your control
Fatal woman: Helen、Salome莎勒美
- Invoke (v): to call
- Ignite: to get started
- Nymph---
Nymph: A woman who is walking along the river
Nymphomaniac (in short, nympho) /ˌnɪm.fəˈmeɪ.ni.æk/ : a woman who likes to have sex very often, especially with a lot of different men.
- pyr---
Pyre--- /paɪə/: a pile or heap of wood
Pyre usually appears on funerals.
Pyromaniac /ˌpaɪ.rəˈmeɪ.ni.æk/ : a person who have a compulsion to set things on fire.縱火狂
Pyromania: a mental illness in which a person feels a strong wish to set fires.縱火慾
- Ab---negative、away from、off、opposite to
Aboriginal, abstract, abolish, abdicate, abandon