Western Literature
- The god of wisdom:Athena /əˈθiːnə/ 雅典娜
Athena usually shows up with her owl/bird (which is related to wisdom), armour (which means a brave characteristic).
- Apollo阿波羅
Apollo usually shows up with his lyre.
Lyre: 琴弦→ lyrics: 歌詞
- Sign of The Greek pharmacy
- The building of Greece
Q: Why these architectures are always painted white?
A: To avoid the heat.
Patron /ˈpeɪ.trən/ (n): a person who hire you or support you, especially give you salary.
Patronize/ˈpæt.rən.aɪz/ (v) : to treat someone as if they are stupid or not important.
Don’t patronize me!別唬我了!
- dia--- go through
Dialog, diaspora, dialect, diameter, diagnose(v),diagnosis(n)
- de--- down, away from
Departure (arrival), deport+to+place, depreciate, decline
- spect--- to look
Respect, inspect, spectator
- audi--- to listen
Auditorium, audience
- a--- no, without
- ---ium 框限起來的範疇
Stadium, aquarium,
Equilibrium (n) /ˌI.kwɪˈlɪb.ri.əm /: a calm state or balance
Yoga is said to restore one's inner equilibrium
Coliseum (n) /ˌkɒlɪˈsɪəm/: a large building, such as stadium or theatre, used for entertainment or sports, etc. .