- Sara:In retrospect,use your index finger to review words you don’t know.
- adjective 相反的一塊記 verbs 相似的一塊記
- prefix
- anti,ante--- opposite to 反
anteroom(n): a room before you enter a clinic
- chron,chrono---
- syn,sym--- with,together
for example:synchronize,sympathy
- de--- down,away from↓→
‘de’ means a down or away from the regular track
for example:
depreciate(v): down of the price貶值,
- dorm--- 生物學
dormancy(n):the state of being dormant (= not active or growing but able to become active later)
for example:Warm temperatures bring the seeds out of dormancy.
- extra--- out,beyond regular track
extracurricular activity
- e---out
- SARS(severe acute respiratory syndrome)
- resume(v):to go back to the oringinal seat or place
- resume(n) 履歷表
a short written description of your education, qualifications, previous jobs, and sometimes also your personal interests, that you send to an employer when you are trying to get a job
for example::She sent her résumé to 50 companies, but didn't even get an interview.
CV( used in US),CV sample,Curriculum Vitae
- participate in = take part in
- genocide(n):the murder of a whole group of generation
- your feet smell.你腳很臭
- ject---throw something out off
projector(n): a machine that throw out off the wall
- liber,liver---get free of something
carry something, set them free,let them be there
liberate(v): to help someone or something to be free liberation(n)
for example:They said they sent troops in to liberate the people/ the country from a dictator.
- “ly” usually stands for adverb;but the most common words ending with “ly” is adjective.
- fatal---be destined to die
fatal woman:Helen,Salome
The femme fatale archetype exists in the culture, folklore and myth of many cultures.Ancient mythical or legendary examples include Mohini, Lilith, the Sirens, the Sphinx, Scylla, Aphrodite, Circe, Medea, Lesbia, Helen of Troy and Visha Kanyas. Historical examples from Classical times include Clytemnestra, Cleopatra and Messalina, as well as the Biblical figures Delilah, Jezebel and Salome.An example from Chinese literature and traditional history is Daji.
fatality(n): the number of dead people