English Vocabulary and Etymology
- euph--- good
euphoric(a):extremely happy and excited
for example:a euphoric mood
euphoria(n): extreme happiness
for example:They were in a state of euphoria for days after they won the prize.
eulogy(n):a piece of writing containing great praise, especially for someone who recently died or retired from work
for example:He was the most self-effacing of men - the last thing he would have relished was a eulogy.The song was a eulogy to the joys of travelling.
eugenic(a) 優種的 eugenics(n) 優生學
- ubi--- every
ubiquitous(a): seeming to be everywhere
- ---spect to look
retrospect(v):go back inside to look again
inspect(v): to look carefully
- sub--- to go down,second,under
subordinate(a):having a lower or less important position
for example:a subordinate role subordinate status
- str---
strange stranger estrange(V)
- 某a 發 /ɑ/
- scatter(v):scatter is a sound word. It means spreading everywhere
- five principles
- 1)four words:
2)Use your language as a tool to learn
3)comprehension is the key
4)Physical training
5)Mental training
- cap--- head
There is no caption in western people’s TV because they know each others’ dialect,stead, Chinese people don’t understand each other.
- gen--- begin
photogenic(a):having a face that looks attractive in photographs上相的
for example: Jessica is such a photogenic baby.
generator(n): a machine that produces electricity
gen(n): information about a particular subject情報 消息
for example:So who's going to give me the gen on what's been happening while I've been away?