Western Literature
- fair
for example: vanity fair, the state fair
Mirror mirror in the wall,who is the fairest of them all?
- haven(n):somewhere you can hide.
- the affair 姦情
- bicentennial man Galatea
- Odyssey 書名底下畫直線
Plato is dear to me, but dearer still is truth.
我愛凱薩但我更愛真理 -
I love Plato, but I love Truth more.
我愛柏拉圖但我更愛真理 - patron:god who protect people 主保神
According to custom, each ancient and archaic Greek polis would be dedicated to the worship of a particular city-state patron god, to whom the population would show reverence in addition to the god or gods of their own personal adherence. The patron gods of Greece are the equivalent of today's patron saints.
A Greek temple in Ancient times would be dedicated to a certain deity. A typical temple would have a statue inside. An altar would be placed outside, upon which offerings would be placed as sacrifices to the city's patron deity. The Parthenon is a famous example of an Ancient Greek temple.
Athena and Apollo are among the most common choices of patron gods of the ancient Greek cities.
for example:S.t Christopher
S.t Christopher is the patron god of travelers.
- patronize(v)
- patronage(n): the relationship between the employee and patron主雇人.
- vani---ㄏㄧˉ花
for example:vain,vanity
- pro---many,much,in favor of
for example: propaganda,protagnist
- voc,vok---to call,to get attention to
for example:invoke,provoke
- ---cide killing
for example:suicide,genocide種族屠殺